Category: Cybersecurity

[wolvctf] writeup(s) I participated wolvctf as the KUICS team and scored 15th among 622 teams. Sanity Check wctf{4_c0py_4nd_p4s+3_r4c3} [rev] doubledelete’s revenge wctf{i_th1nk_y0u_m1sund3rst00d_h0w_r0t13_w0rk5} Value: 100 Solve Count: 105 Description: The notorious WOLPHV group has re-emerged and doubledelete is now ransoming us for our flags! Can you help us so we don’t have to pay them? The.

[dreamhack] captain-hook writeup import frida import sys def on_message(message, data): print(message) # JavaScript code to be injected jscode = “”” var file = new File(“dump.txt”, “a”) //hook GdipSetSmoothingMode, add counter and print out counter each when it get called var counter = 0; const base = Module.findBaseAddress(‘CaptainHook.exe’) Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName(null, “GdipSetSmoothingMode”), { onEnter: function(args) { counter++; //console.log(“GdipSetSmoothingMode called: “.